Thursday, February 16, 2006

Winter Seeds

The greetings that I sent to family and friends in Philadelphia last year at
this time are the same greetings I would choose to share again:

In the dark of the year
Good news is all around us
Quietly waiting to be shared.

Seeds of hope abound
Looking for fertile hearts
In which to grow.

Some things that have given me hope recently:

A young Polish woman teaching girls in a remote village in India to juggle
as part of an empowerment program, giving them an edge in a sexist world.

Nine and ten year old boys who have had enough playful and respectful
attention from adults that they can listen respectfully to each other’s
hopes and fears.

Voices from all faiths from all over the world, speaking out for the release
of four Christian Peacemaker Team members kidnapped in Iraq.

Individual states that are taking initiative to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions, despite US government refusal to acknowledge the problem.

Pamela Haines


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